Nevada FBLA Officers are elected by their peers at the State Leadership Conference and represent Nevada’s membership. The State Officer team develops a program of work aligned to the strategic goals of Nevada FBLA. Throughout the year the team interacts with the membership to implement and enhance Nevada FBLA programs.
Alexis Bertuzzi, President
Alexis (Lexi) Bertuzzi is a rising senior in the Business program at Advanced Technologies Academy. She is excited to serve as the State President of Nevada FBLA.
Alexis has been a member since her freshman year, carrying out the positions of VP of Marketing and President for her high school chapter. During SBLC her freshman year, she placed 6th in Business Communications, 8th in Entrepreneurship, and 2nd in Introduction to Event Planning. In her sophomore year at SBLC, Alexis placed 1st in Introduction to Marketing Concepts, 9th in Hospitality and Event Management, and 5th in Marketing. This year, she placed 1st in Entrepreneurship and 4th in Digital Video Production.
Other activities outside FBLA that Alexis participates in include competing at DECA, volunteering with HeadCount Voter Registration, and ushering at the Orleans Casino. Alexis wants to attend college in Nashville to pursue a degree in Music Business and Management to consolidate her love for music with business.
She also volunteers at Sahara West Library weekly, instilling a service-based attitude. She hopes to provide other FBLA Chapters with opportunities to give back to the community as well as increase involvement and networking within Nevada. FBLA has given Alexis the chance to improve her communication skills and apply her everyday business knowledge to real-world concepts!

Spencer Oshins, Executive Vice President
Spencer Oshins, a three-year FBLA member, serves as the Nevada Executive Vice President. A senior at West Career and Technical Academy, Spencer majors in Business Management. In his previous years in FBLA, Spencer served as chapter underclassmen representative, chapter secretary, Nevada VP of Membership, and Western Region Executive Vice President. Notably, Spencer created a curriculum aimed at expanding and enhancing middle-level FBLA. In his three-year stint in FBLA, Spencer has placed 1st in American Enterprise twice, 1st in Future Business Leader, 1st in Local Chapter Annual Business Report, 1st and 5th in Intro to Public Speaking, 2nd in Intro to Parliamentary Procedure, 3rd in Intro to FBLA, 5th in Intro to Business Concepts, 6th in Journalism, 9th in Insurance Risk and Management, and 10th in Business Communication. Spencer’s favorite part of FBLA is networking, which he has done in over ten conferences across the country. Outside of FBLA, Spencer is the president of the WCTA Inter-Club Council, coach of his Miracle League team, and avid reader and writer. In the future, Spencer aspires to double major in Business and Political Science. FBLA has changed Spencer’s life by developing his leadership skills and connecting him with incredible individuals around the world. He’s ecstatic to apply the skills he’s obtained to enroll more students in Nevada FBLA.

Jack Hurley, Southern Region Vice President
Jack Hurley, a West Career and Technical Academy junior, is thrilled to serve as your 2024–2025 Southern Region Vice President. Majoring in Business Management, he joined FBLA as a freshman, serving as an underclassman representative to his chapter. The following year, he joined his chapter officer team as the Vice President of Membership and served on the Nevada State President’s Council as the Director of Resources. He has taken 6th place in Introduction to Public Speaking, 3rd place in Introduction to Business Concepts, and 2nd place in Introduction to Business Presentation. At NLC, he represented Nevada on the national stage, taking 4th place in Introduction to Public Speaking as a freshman.
Outside of FBLA, Jack plays Varsity Tennis at Palo Verde High School and actively participates in his school’s DECA, NHS, and NBHS chapters. He also serves the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society as a team leader. Slowly but surely, he has started an organization with his friends that prioritizes the mental health of teens and children. With his sights set on the Wharton School of Business, Jack aspires to double major in accounting and computer science. Growing in confidence, he cannot wait to turn good days into great futures for Nevada FBLA.

Kyle Allen, Northern Region Vice President
Kyle Allen is a junior at Carson High School, located in the beautiful state capitol, Carson City. Kyle has been in Future Business Leaders of America since his sophomore year and is proud to be a part of the State Officer Team as the Northern Region Vice President. Throughout his time, Kyle has enjoyed competing in Public Service Announcement and Parliamentary Procedure, running fundraisers, and serving his chapter on the social media team.
While Kyle is proud to serve Nevada FBLA, he also serves his community in other leadership capacities. As Junior Class President of CHS, Kyle loves to plan events for the student body, represent student voices through many different avenues, and be a part of the decision making process on the Executive Board. Kyle is also the Captain of the Speech and Debate team, a director of the school yearbook, a member of NHS, and represents Nevada Senate District 16 through the Nevada Youth Legislature.
Outside of school activities, Kyle enjoys running, cooking and baking, reading, and of course, time spent with family and friends. Kyle is looking forward to attending college after high school to pursue a life of law and eventually politics. Kyle is ready to take all that he has learned and apply it to the state level to truly create the next Future Business Leaders of America.

Jesse Speir, Eastern Region Vice President
Jesse Speir is a senior at Wells High School, a small school in Eastern Nevada, and is serving as the 2024-25 Eastern Region Vice President. Jesse has been an active member of FBLA since his freshman year of high school and has faithfully served his chapter as secretary. He and his team have achieved first place for three consecutive years in parliamentary procedure, have placed fourth in Computer Game and Simulation Programming, and have attended NLC in Atlanta, Georgia. His experiences in FBLA have inspired him to become much more outgoing and seek out leadership opportunities. Besides FBLA, Jesse enjoys participating in extracurricular activities such as football, golf, and art club, as well as serving on the presidency as treasurer. He plans to attend Utah State University to study political science. He hopes to use this degree to go to law school and become an estate planning lawyer. Jesse looks forward to reaching out to the Eastern Region and watching it develop throughout the year.

Cydney Ha, Vice President of Public Relations
Cydney Ha will be a senior in the upcoming fall semester at Ed W. Clark High School and is the current VP of Public Relations for Nevada FBLA. She was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada and is a third year member of FBLA. In the Clark chapter, she is the VP of Fundraising and has had an amazing year serving her chapter, attending chapter meetings, and growing with her chapter. During Cydney’s time in FBLA, she has placed in various competitive events and attended NLC in 2023. Her experience in competitive events and managing fundraisers has taught her about presentation skills, leadership skills, collaboration, and how to step outside her comfort zone to achieve her goals. She has learned a lot about the business world in FBLA and will continue to do so in the future. In her free time, Cydney likes to enjoy meals with her friends, play video games, and listen to music. She also likes to go on long walks in the evening to get some fresh air (while listening to music). Going into the future, Cydney plans to attain a degree in biomedical engineering and enter the field of research. Throughout her experiences in FBLA, Cydney has learned that FBLA can offer someone endless opportunities to compete, grow, and achieve. Not only that, Cydney believes that FBLA can create memories that will last a lifetime.

Sophia Dai, Vice President of Membership
This year’s Nevada FBLA Vice President of Membership is Sophia Dai, a junior at West Career and Technical Academy in Las Vegas. Sophia has been involved in FBLA for three years, taking on roles such as her chapter’s Underclassman Representative, Secretary, as well as the Competitions Director of Nevada President’s Council. Currently, she also serves as her chapter’s Co-President. Throughout her FBLA journey, Sophia has competed in numerous events and has placed nine times at state and once at nationals in Introduction to Public Speaking, her favorite event. Outside of FBLA, Sophia is actively involved with DECA, National Honor Society, and the WCTA Ambassadors Program. She enjoys traveling around the world, trying new foods and spending time with her friends and family. Looking ahead, Sophia aspires to attend university ideally on the east coast, where she hopes to concentrate in economics and public policy. Ultimately, she strives to pursue a career that combines her interest in business with her passion to advocate for the community and serve others. Excited about the opportunity to contribute, Sophia is eager to help Nevada FBLA grow by collaborating with as many chapter leaders as possible to recruit new active members and strengthen existing chapters.

Sile Smith, Vice President of Service
Sile Smith, a senior from Ed. W. Clark High School, is excited to be serving as the 2024-2025 Nevada FBLA Vice President of Service! Sile has been in FBLA since her freshman year and has since then served as her chapter’s Underclassmen Representative and Vice President of Activities. She has also served as the Financial Director for the Nevada President’s Council, a new initiative made during the 2023-2024 year. Over these past four years, she has learned about the opportunities and knowledge available with FBLA, ranging from the BAA’s to the workshops available at SBLC. This has inspired her to serve on the state council this year. Sile has placed 5th and 7th in Introduction to Business, 2nd in Sports and Entertainment Management, 8th in Impromptu Speaking, and qualified twice for the National Leadership Conference. Outside of FBLA, Sile is active in NHS, HOSA, and multiple sports including Irish Dance. She hopes to study Engineering in college and travel around the world. Sile cannot wait to continue her FBLA journey and serve Nevada FBLA!

Armand Iorgulescu, Vice President of Media
There are not many people who bring the same energy to the table as Armand Iorgulescu, your VP of Media for Nevada FBLA and rising senior at Advanced Technologies Academy. At his school he is, heavily involved in extracurricular activities, being the VP of Marketing at his FBLA chapter — promoting the opportunities FBLA has to offer to his school –- and the President of the Mental Health Awareness club — advocating for a common attitude of shared growth and support. Armand’s dedication extends beyond the classroom, where he is the president of Simufy, an initiative that aims to bridge the educational gap in financial literacy among young people.
Despite initial setbacks in his first SBLC and failing to place top 10 in any of his events, Armand embraced a growth mindset, leading to significant success in the 2024 SBLC, where he earned 1st place in business Administration and 2nd place in Sales Presentation. In addition to his 2-year membership in FBLA, Armand is an active member of DECA and HOSA, where with these organizations he learned to hone his leadership skills and enrich his understanding of careers. Armand’s passion is to make a positive impact in the business world by emphasizing the importance of mental health and the growth mindset, evident in his ambition to study Business Administration. Outside of his academic and organizational commitments, Armand enjoys playing the guitar, listening to rock music, and hiking — especially in the rare green spaces of southern Nevada.