Nevada FBLA Officers are elected by their peers at the State Leadership Conference and represent Nevada’s membership. The State Officer team develops a program of work aligned to the strategic goals of Nevada FBLA. Throughout the year the team interacts with the membership to implement and enhance Nevada FBLA programs.

Alexis Bertuzzi
Alexis BertuzziNevada State President -
Spencer Oshins
Spencer OshinsExecutive Vice President
Jack Hurley
Jack HurleySouthern Region VP
Kyle Allen
Kyle AllenNothern Region Vice President
Jesse Speir
Jesse SpeirEastern Region Vice President
Cydney Ha
Cydney HaVice President of Public Relations
Sophia Dai
Sophia DaiVP of Membership
Sile Smith
Sile SmithVice President of Service
Armand Iorgulescu
Armand IorgulescuVice President of Media -