The Future of Business
FBLA is where you find leaders worth following.
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is the largest and longest-serving student business organization in the world. In more than 75 years of service to schools and communities in Nevada, the United States, and around the world, FBLA is the place where the world’s business finds its leaders.
The Business Educator’s Top Choice
Each year, nearly 7,500 business educators at the collegiate, high school, and middle school/junior high levels make FBLA a powerful tool for teaching business leadership to the next generation of entrepreneurs and executives. FBLA is a global leader in Career Technical Education (CTE). Founded in 1942, FBLA is the second oldest of all Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) after The National FFA Organization (Founded in 1928).
- Develop competent, assertive (aggressive) business leadership
- Strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their work
- Create more interest in and understanding of American business enterprise
- Encourage members in the development of individual projects which contribute to the improvement of home, business, and community
- Develop character, prepare for useful citizenship, and foster patriotism
- Encourage and practice efficient money management
- Encourage scholarship and promote school loyalty
- Assist students in the establishment of occupational goals
- Facilitate the transition from school to work
FBLA-PBL’s mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs.
- I will be honest and sincere.
- I will approach each task with confidence in my ability to perform my work at a high standard.
- I will willingly accept responsibilities and duties.
- I will seek to profit from my mistakes and take suggestions and criticisms directed toward the improvement of myself and my work.
- I will abide by the rules and regulations of my school.
- I will exercise initiative and responsibility and cooperate with my employer and fellow workers.
- I will dress and act in a manner that brings respect to me and my school.
- I will seek to improve my community by contributing my efforts and my resources to worthwhile projects.
I believe:
- education is the right of every person.
- the future depends on mutual understanding and cooperation among business, industry, labor, religious, family, and educational institutions, as well as people around the world. I agree to do my utmost to bring about understanding and cooperation among all of these groups.
- every person should prepare for a useful occupation and carry on that occupation in a manner that brings the greatest good to the greatest number.
- every person should actively work toward improving social, political, community, and family life.
- every person has the right to earn a living at a useful occupation.
- every person should take responsibility for carrying out assigned tasks in a manner that brings credit to self, associates, school, and community.
- I have the responsibility to work efficiently and to think clearly. I promise to use my abilities to make the world a better place for everyone.
FBLA Chapters
Academy of Arts, Careers and Technology
Advanced Technologies Academy
Albert M. Lowry High School
Arbor View High School
Basic High School
Battle Mountain High School
Bishop Manogue Catholic High School
Boulder City High School
Carson High School
Cheyenne High School
Cimarron – Memorial High School
Damonte Ranch High School
Desert Pines High School
Edward C. Reed High School
Edward W. Clark High School
Elko High School
Foothill High School
Green Valley High School
Jackpot High School
Legacy High School
McDermitt Combined School
Mojave High School
Northwest Career and Technical Academy
Owyhee High School
Palo Verde High School
Procter R. Hug High School
Reno High School
Silverado High School
Southwest Career & Technical Academy
Spanish Springs High School
Spring Creek High School
Spring Valley High School
TMCC High School
Valley High School
Wells High School
West Career and Technical Academy
West Wendover High School
Yerington High School
FBLA-ML Chapters
Adobe Middle School
Jerome Mock Middle School
Spring Creek Middle School
The Nevada FBLA Chapter was granted to the Nevada Department of Education in 1971 by the FBLA-PBL, Inc. National Board of Directors.
The heart of FBLA-PBL in any state is the combined leadership and service of local teachers and students who are advisers, chapter officers, and members of the organization. Together with the support of school administration, districts, and school boards, FBLA is a vital component of a school’s strategy for preparing graduates to be successful in the world of college and careers.
Board of Trustees
The Nevada FBLA Board of Trustees is the policy-making body of the Foundation composed of dynamic leaders and key stakeholders representing both industry, education, and community leadership. The Board includes alumni, higher education representatives, executives, the State Chair from the Nevada Department of Education, State President, and the Executive Director. The Board of Trustees works to ensure the success of the Nevada FBLA-PBL mission and works with and provides support to State Officers, State Staff, and Local Advisers.
Management Team
The Nevada FBLA-PBL state staff works on the day-to-day operations of the organization, including conference and event logistics, financial management, marketing and communications, membership services, state officer leadership program, and technology infrastructure. They also work closely with the Board of Trustees, FBLA-PBL National Center, Nevada Department of Education, State Officers, and local advisers to help local schools build premier business and leadership programs.
State Officers
The Nevada FBLA-PBL State Officer Team is comprised of students from all across the state. Members have the opportunity to run for a state officer position at the State Business Leadership Conference in the spring and serve one year terms, from April to April. State Officers represent the student voice of the organization with the State President serving on the Board of Trustees and Board of Advisers. State Officers develop an annual strategic program of work based on the strategic priorities of National and Nevada FBLA-PBL and serve throughout the year to improve program quality and opportunities for members throughout Nevada. The State Officers participate in a rigorous leadership development program and earn college elective credit during their year of service. State Officers work with local chapter officers to plan conferences, visit chapters, and expand membership opportunities for students throughout Nevada.
Local Advisers
Local advisers are an integral part of FBLA-PBL. Local advisers are high school teachers, usually teaching in the field of business, accounting, design, information technology or marketing. These teachers take on the dedicated task of serving as advisers for their school’s chapters, which includes organizing members, determining logistics of events and competitions, integrating FBLA and classroom concepts, and overall supporting the efforts and goals of their school and members. Based on school district policy, several FBLA chapters also utilize co-advisers (other school staff, alumni, parents, and industry volunteers) to support the local chapter program of work. Teachers interested in becoming a chapter adviser do not need to have prior FBLA-PBL experience. Advisers receive annual professional development training through Nevada FBLA and additional adviser mentors are available to assist.
Local Chapter Officers
Chapter officers are key to an exceptional FBLA-PBL experience. FBLA is intended to be a student-led organization and chapter officers serve at the forefront of connecting FBLA opportunities to student needs and college and career goals. Chapter officers are members of their local chapters who are elected/selected each year to serve their fellow members. Once elected, the officers work together along with their local adviser(s) and State Officers to ensure that the goals of the chapter are fulfilled. Becoming a chapter officer is a great honor and a great opportunity to both develop and apply business leadership skills in a real-world environment. While the structure of each chapter is different, chapter officers usually include a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and parliamentarian. Chapter officer teams often specialize positions to serve in specific roles like vice president of membership, vice president of service, vice president of finance, vice president of competition, vice president of public relations, and more.